Last Sunday, the 22nd, after holding a meeting at the Administrative Center of Bahia (CAB), located in Salvador, the government of Bahia disclosed that it will monitor the increase in the national wage floor for teachers in the amount established by the government: RS 4,420.55.
The governor of Bahia, Jerônimo Rodrigues, said the following: “We were waiting for the decision of the Federal Government regarding the percentage of the readjustment and now we are focusing on the macroeconomic scenario which, experts say, will be a crisis, to guarantee the payment of the floor, knowing the impact on the budget state".
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This readjustment represents an increase equivalent to 14.95% when compared to the previous floor. As claimed by the government of Bahia, the increase for teachers in the state was 33.24% of real gain in 2022.
According to the Secretary of Education of the State of Bahia (SEC), more than 33,000 teachers and pedagogical coordinators were remunerated above the national minimum for the category.
Last year, the base salary for a 40-hour workweek was R$3,850. This value was also increased by 31.18% referring to class management, so that if a teacher was giving beginning his professional career with the public state education network, he would already start with a salary of R$ 5.054,43.
At the meeting in question, held this past Saturday, the 21st, were present the Secretaries of Finance (SEFAZ); Administration (SAEB); Planning (Seplan); of Education (SEC), in addition to the State Attorney General's Office (PGE) and the Civil House.
The governor also expressed some points defined during the meeting: “We are in the initial phase. We will dialogue with the category as soon as the economic team has the numbers. We are going to fulfill our commitment, which is even a campaign commitment and in line with the Lula government”.
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