It's natural for people to seek happiness in all areas of their lives, but they don't always feel happy in them. A survey of 134 countries showed the existence of a happiness curve, saying at what age do we reach the peak of unhappiness, thus describing the mental states of people throughout life. In this sense, it is estimated that the peak of unhappiness is reached at age 40.
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The research was carried out by David Blanchflower in the United States, at Dartmouth College University. He took cultural differences between countries into account, but identified patterns that suggest people are at their best in their teens, unhappy in their 40s, and well later.
In the dictionary, happiness is the quality or state of being happy, where there is a state of consciousness of complete satisfaction, contentment, happiness. However, being and being happy is very relative and can vary according to each person.
We charge ourselves a lot for results in our personal and career lives, and sometimes we miss the little moments of happiness we have in life. For example, enjoy a day out with your family and friends or just grab a bite to eat with someone. They are small moments of joy that we often share.
As such, the study found that the average age at which people in developed countries felt least happy was 47.2 years. On the other hand, developing countries showed high levels of depression at around 48.2 years of age. Blanchflower claims that this trait is part of the human genetic material. Thus, it is estimated that from the age of 47, people become more realistic, which makes us approach feelings of frustration and, consequently, sadness and depression.
However, research shows that after age 50, we tend to be more grateful for what we have. In this way, our goals continue to change throughout our lives as we mature. What has actually changed are the parameters of happiness. When we are young, we are often moved by the objective of professional growth, investing and studying hard to conquer a career. As we get older, we sometimes feel unhappy, and little by little, we set other goals for the things that make us happy.