Portuguese Activity proposes, to 9th grade students, the study of nominal agreement of the expression "It is necessary", through the text “Laugh at yourself”.
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Laughing at you is the best way to face problems and difficulties. Who has never screwed up or said something they shouldn't at an inopportune moment? Laughing at your own nonsense is good for your health. It has been proven that a good mood triggers the release of a series of chemical mediators (serotonin and endorphins) that immediately provoke a feeling of well-being.
It's great to socialize with simple, unpretentious people who know how to make small talk, who know how to count their faults and find themselves funny. That person who knows he's not perfect, who laughs at his good experiences (and bad ones) and who isn't ashamed to share his fears and insecurities. Does dear reader know someone like that? Do you want to always be by the side of a person with these characteristics? I have the impression that yes. Why do people with this personality type set the tone for the day-to-day life of the group around them. It's like a bright sun and its planets. If you understand me.
The daily turmoil, obligations, responsibilities and frustrations make us more and more insensitive. Smiling is good for the body and soul. Laughter infects the people who are beside us. Smile without needing reasons. Personally, I like to laugh at everything, including myself. I try to relax in serious and difficult times. It takes a certain lightness to deal with daily difficulties. Facing a condition or limitation with good humor is nothing more than demonstrating that you have already accepted and overcome it. A person's humility is the flagship for a pleasant coexistence. To laugh at yourself is to admit that the path can be shortened. A laugh is a nice shortcut.
Self-confidence is essential for us to know how to laugh at ourselves in a healthy way. There are people who laugh at themselves but feel humiliated and ridiculed by their own comments. The feeling of worthlessness is not healthy. As funny as it sounds at first, it will be hurting your self-esteem later. Of course, we won't be laughing “like the wild card” in critical and extremely difficult situations. However, bad mood gets in the way and good spirits help us to resolve things. We have to try, even in adversity, to maintain positivism and good humor. Life already has a lot of difficulties to face things in a bad mood. So, take a deep breath and think uplifting thoughts to solve your adversities. When answers pop into your mind, smile.
Laugh at himself, laugh at his stupidity, laugh at his antics, laugh at his pipes! Spread that smile and spread it to others. You may not change the world with a smile, but you can change the reality of people around you. Laugh at life, laugh at others. Laughing and smiling is therapeutic. What are you waiting for? Go be happy.
Have a good week.
DINIZ, Telmo. Newspaper “O Tempo”.
Available in: http://www.otempo.com.br.
Accessed on: 07/17/16.
Question 1 - The statement "Laugh at yourself" consists of:
a) an order
b) a recommendation
c) a warning
d) a wish
Question 2 - A record of informality can be found in:
a) "Laughing at your own nonsense is good for your health."
b) "If you understand me."
c) "We have to try, even in adversity, to maintain positivism and good humor."
d) “What are you waiting for? Go be happy."
Rewrite, in a formal way, the sentence marked above:
Question 3 - Check the term whose prefix expresses an idea different from the other prefixes:
a) inopportune
b) triggers
c) unpretentious
d) insensitive
Question 4 - “A certain lightness is needed to deal with daily difficulties.”., the following wording is also accepted:
( ) A certain lightness is needed to deal with daily difficulties.
( ) A certain lightness is needed to deal with daily difficulties.
( ) A certain lightness is needed to deal with daily difficulties.
Question 5 - Identify the word whose spelling was changed, due to the New Spelling:
a) well-being
b) flagship
c) self-confidence
d) self-esteem
Question 6 – In “You can't change the world with a smile, but can change the reality of people next to you.”, the conjunction establishes a relationship of:
a) consequence
b) adversity
c) priority
d) proportion
Question 7 – In the excerpt “It is proven that good humor triggers the release of a series of chemical mediators (serotonin and endorphins) that immediately provoke a feeling of well-being.”, the parentheses were employed for:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.