Text interpretation activity proposed to students in the third or fourth year of elementary school, the text used in this Portuguese activity is “The bird that deceived the cat”.
You can download this Portuguese activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF, as well as the completed activity.
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One day, a very know-it-all cat was walking on the roof of a house, when he spotted a canary whistling on a wire in the electrical network.
- Hey! Beautiful singing bird, do you know the news? - Said the pussy looking up.
– What news? - Asked the bird, already suspicious.
– A new law was passed…Now all animals will have to be friends, there will be no more rivalry, no prey, no predators and everyone will have to live in harmony
- Serious!!! - Asked the canary.
– Yes, and to celebrate, fly here and give me a hug, let's be friends!
“Okay,” said the canary. “I'm going to land next to Rex's little house, that big German Shepherd over there in the backyard, and then we'll hug and celebrate the three of us together.
Hearing this, the cat jumped up trying to grab the bird, which flew quickly and laughed at the cat.
– New law…ha, ha, ha, ha!!!
The cat left frustrated and grumbling, not counting on the small bird's cunning.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) What are the characters in the story?
3) What did the cat tell the bird?
4) What did the cat suggest to the bird?
5) Did the bird believe? Justify.
6) What was the cat's reaction?
7) Make an illustration of the story:
At answers are in the link above the header.