Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the 1st year of high school, aiming at the study of Verbal Modes, through the inspiring poem “Recomeço”, by Legran.
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Read this poem, written by Legran:
If our keys didn't open the doors thatwe wished, if our occasional failuresled us to discouragement, it's time to use the forces of nature, of which we are children.
Every day, everything starts again in nature and,every dawn, there's a new c.chanceto start over a path that canlead us to better destinations.
So, take advantage of the blank sheet thatlife gives us every day.
See, above all, how wonderful it isbe able to have the opportunity to restart,the chance to be able to try everything from usegg.
Available at: < http://pensador.uol.com.br/poemas_de_legrand/>.
Verbal Modes:
1. Indicative
2. Subjunctive
3. Imperative
Verses of the poem:
______ “If our keys didn't open the doors thatwe wanted […]”.
______"Every day, everything starts again in nature[…]”.
______"So, enjoy the blank sheet[…]”.
______“[…]every dawn, there's a new c.chance[…]”.
______ “See, above all, how wonderful[…]”.
______“[…]if our occasional failures led us to discouragement[…]”.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.