Portuguese activity, indicated for students in the eighth year of elementary school, aims to study the subjunctive mode. It is the way in which the verb expresses a desire or a hypothesis! Let's analyze it in the text below! So, answer the proposed questions!
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The lights, which thought that Gutenberg had given men a universal promise, cultivated a mode of utopia. They imagined being able, from the private practices of each one, to build a space for the critical exchange of ideas and opinions. Kant's dream was that each one would be both a reader and an author, that he would pass judgments on the institutions of their time, whatever they ___________ and that, at the same time, could reflect on the judgment issued by the others. What was once only allowed by handwritten communication or the circulation of printed material finds today a powerful support with electronic text.
CHARTIER, R. The book's adventure: from reader to browser. São Paulo: Official Press of the State of São Paulo; Unesp, 1998.
Question 1 - Identify the sentence in which the highlighted verb is in the subjunctive mode:
( ) "The lights, that thought that Gutenberg had provided to men […]"
( ) “[…] could reflect on the judgment issued by others.”
( ) “[…] find today a powerful support with electronic text.”
Question 2 - The verb, identified above, was used in the subjunctive to express:
( ) a wish of Kant.
( ) an advice from Kant.
( ) an assumption of Kant.
Question 3 - In the prayer “[…] that issued judgments on the institutions of his time.”, the underlined verb refers to:
( ) "each one"
( ) "reader"
( ) "author"
Question 4 – The space indicated in the text must be filled with the verb “to be”, in the imperfect tense of the subjunctive mood. So the correct phrase is:
( ) “[…] whatever they are […]”
( ) “[…] whatever they are […]”
( ) “[…] whatever they were […]”
Question 5 - The imperfect past tense of the subjunctive mode indicates a fact:
( ) that could happen.
( ) that could happen.
( ) that could happen.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.