For some time now, the Central Bank of Brazil has been studying ways to launch a digital currency, dubbed by the bank the “digital real”. In fact, the agency has been carrying out in-depth studies to implement this idea in the national territory as the Brazilian reality demands. Thus, the objective of the BC is, effectively, to create integrated solutions that reach the largest possible number of Brazilians.
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“We need to prepare the market to use these technologies, which are still very complex and have a niche use. As we begin to discuss the subject, it begins to mature”, highlighted BC economist Fábio Araújo. It is worth mentioning that he gave a lecture at South Summit Brasil, an event focused on technology and innovation that took place between May 4 and 6, 2022.
As Araújo emphasizes, the focus of the Central Bank is to make technologies inclusive and not exclusionary. “With the digital real, we intend to offer a platform that can integrate these technologies to the conventional system to give access to a larger audience”, he said.
Thus, in order to identify the main difficulties in implementing the digital real, Fenasbac (National Federation of Central Bank Employees) created in partnership with the Central Bank the LIFT Challenge Real Digital, a collaborative environment whose main purpose is to receive proposals that will directly assist in the construction of this proposal innovative.
Finally, it is also worth noting that the deadline for completing the project is July 29, 2022. That is, there is still time to effectively implement this idea.
Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.