Every healthy relationship should always provide security, support and love. It is important to remember that not all psychopaths are serial killers, as they are often portrayed in movies. Many of them can be by our side, living with us in our daily lives.
In fact, it is estimated that one in every 100 people may have psychopathic traits. To identify these traits, it is crucial to be aware of warning signs that may indicate the presence of psychopathy in the social sphere. Identifying a psychopath can be a challenge, as they are adept at adapting to different situations, thus making detection difficult.
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However, the characteristics may become evident after a discussion with them. So pay close attention!
1. Change moods during the argument
It is common to observe the instantaneous transition from objective or compassionate behavior to perverse and personal behavior. The psychopath may start out by flattering and apologizing, only to lash out again a few minutes later. This constant shift in attitude is indicative of his desire to control the plot narrative.
2. They don't admit when they're wrong
One obvious sign when arguing with a possible psychopath is their inability to admit when they've made a mistake. Instead, they have a habit of misaligning their words and actions, and they often present themselves as victims of the situation. They do not take responsibility for their own mistakes and tend to always see the other as the culprit.
3. Deflect error and project it onto you
Usually, they start projecting on you during the argument. They strive to draw attention away from themselves and try to attribute their own faults and worst qualities to you. They openly try to tarnish his character, using their own weaknesses as a way to discredit him.
4. They try to pass themselves off as victims
This manipulation is a form of reality distortion, as the psychopath seeks to gain the emotional and psychological advantage in the discussion, disregarding the other person's true experience. They try to undermine the validity of others' feelings and perspectives, taking advantage of their privileged position, idealizing themselves as victims.
5. are condescending
Psychopaths often exhibit condescending behavior during an argument, as they believe who are superior to others and have an attitude of superiority and disdain towards their opponents. This calm and cool posture is a strategy to convey the feeling that they are in control of the situation.
Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.