The Education Commission (EC) approved this Tuesday (23) that children or dependents of women who have been victims of domestic violence will have a guaranteed place in basic education schools in the institutions closest to where they are living. This enrollment must be guaranteed even if there are no more vacancies in the institution.
The rapporteur, Senator Eduardo Gomes (MDB-TO), explained that one of the objectives is to assist mothers who are forced to move suddenly due to the aggressions they suffer.
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“Although there is a provision in the LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação – Law 9.394, of 1996) that the State’s duty with education will be carried out by guaranteeing a place in the public school closest to the residence, this is not always the reality that is observed, especially in schools with demand exceeds capacity” added the senator, whose project also determines that the data of the transferred student in this situation must be kept in secrecy.
The project goes to plenary and, at the request of senator Leila Barros (PSB-DF), the EC suggested urgency in its analysis.
Eduardo Gomes cited data from a recent survey by Datafolha in partnership with the Brazilian Public Security Forum, on the situation of violence against women in the country. According to the survey, entitled Visible and Invisible.
The victimization of women In Brazil, last year alone, 16 million women (the equivalent of 27.4% of women aged 16 or over) suffered some type of violence. Among them, 1.7 million were threatened with knives or firearms and 1.6 million suffered beatings or attempted strangulation.
“Every hour 536 women suffer some form of physical violence in this country. 23.8% of them report their husband, boyfriend or partner as the aggressor. Another 15.2% report aggression from ex-spouses, ex-partners or ex-boyfriends. This shows that in addition to combating this terrible wound, we also have to offer support”, said the senator in in relation to the voted project, which seeks not to harm the school progress of the children or dependents of the woman assaulted.