PIX is a new payment tool that made bank transfers easier and cheaper. Thus, this modality has been widely used by the Brazilian population. With that in mind, the Federal Revenue has implemented the payment of refund by PIX. This measure should facilitate payments and reduce the number of errors in deposits. Keep reading to understand.
See too: Pix will become the biggest payment method in Brazil, while other methods should disappear
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What normally happens is that the Income Tax (IR) is deducted directly from the salary, but deductions from this tax do not occur at this time. These deductions are like benefits, as they determine some conditions for the tax reduction, that is, the amount to be paid in certain cases is less than the standard percentage of the IR.
With that, what happens in these cases is that, with the tax withheld at source, the citizen ends up paying more than he should. If this occurs, you are entitled to a refund of Income Tax, that is, the amount paid in excess of what is due will be refunded. Some examples of the types of deduction are health expenses, donations and costs of people who are financially dependent on you.
However, in order to have this refund, the expenses and the overpayment must be declared and proven. To find out if you have any amount to receive in refund, just access the Federal Revenue platform informing your CPF.
In the year 2022, the Federal Revenue released a novelty: the payment of the IR refund will be made by the PIX. The purpose of this implementation is to facilitate the procedure, as branch and account information will no longer be required, which can often be incorrect and cause payment problems. To receive your refund this way, just register your CPF PIX key. This is because other types of keys, such as email or cell phone, will not be accepted.
But don't worry, because registering the CPF key is simple. Just go to your bank's app and add a new PIX key.