The demand for undergraduate and professional courses at a distance has been on the rise in recent years, a fact that is statistically proven. According to the Higher Education Census released on September 20, there was a 17.6% increase in enrollments in distance graduation courses. The trend is the same in master's and specialization courses, in addition to professional courses.
The great advantage of EaD courses is the ease of access, as most candidates do not have time to follow face-to-face classes, in addition to the financial issue itself. However, amid the offer of options, it is necessary to “separate the wheat from the chaff” in order to really study something of quality that adds content to your professional and academic life.
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Government of Goiás announces 1500 vacancies for robotics course
Google proposes 18 free courses to leverage your knowledge;…
Fortunately, renowned institutions offer excellent course options in various areas of knowledge and, even better, with the possibility of
1. School Education
Who wouldn't want to receive learning material completely free of charge? You School of Education courses are free to view, download and share. If the student is interested in acquiring the course certificate and proving his knowledge in the area, he will only have to pay a small fee for the digital or printed document.
2. Senar Portal
Senar's EaD education portal aims to contribute to the development, professionalization and training of rural areas. For this, it provides online materials divided into modules - precision agriculture, sustainable field, training technology, entrepreneurship and business management, risk management, digital inclusion, my rural company and quality of life life.
3. Open Unesp
Unesp Aberta is a learning platform in a virtual environment focused on learning and improvement. The initiative of the Rectory of Unesp and the Center for Distance Education (NEaD/Unesp) has more than 70 free courses in the areas of Humanities, Exact Sciences and Biology accessible from a simple registration in the site.
4. Business-School Integration Center (CIEE)
Through the CIEE Saber Virtual platform, the institution launches training programs for young apprentices and interns on very current topics, such as the Office suite and grammar skills. The courses are divided into four thematic tracks separated by area of knowledge – Preparation for the World of Work, Dealing with Information Technology, Guidance and Professional Information, Communication and mathematics.
5. Intel Education
The platform was created by educators in order to offer training courses for teachers and students aged between 5 and 18 years. Among the available options are Fundamentals of Digital Learning and Introduction to Personalized Learning.
6. Online Course Certificate
The Free Professional Qualification Courses are free and have the regulations and parameters required by law, such as the CNE (National Council of Education) and MEC (Ministry of Education). With certificates valid throughout the national territory, among the courses available are languages, gastronomy, information technology, environment, tourism and hospitality, psychology and veterinary medicine.
7. INEAD (National Institute of Distance Learning)
INEAD provides an online platform with unrestricted and free online access to several course options! In them, the student can still download and print the materials without a maximum time to complete the course. Among the options offered are Market Research, Libras, Office Assistant, Activities with Children and Communication in Organizations.
8. Unieducar: Corporate University
Unieducar provides micro free courses with certificate electronics in a reduced workload. Several areas of knowledge are covered, such as Social Sciences, Accessibility, Administration, Portuguese and Languages.
9. Prime Courses
Operating in the market since 2003, the platform specialized in Distance Learning (EaD) offers a variety of online course options. Among the most popular are automakeup, administrative assistant, basic makeup, typing and languages.
10. Learncafe portal
Learncafe offers over 2651 free online courses with downloadable certificates. The courses are divided into categories, among which we mention Marketing and Advertising, Administration and Business, Esotericism, Gastronomy and Languages.
11. iPED Courses
The platform offers courses in video classes, facilitating access. Among the available options are those in the areas of Autocad, Administration and Languages.
12. Educa online course
Curso Online Educa is associated with ABED and offers several courses and tests for free, with the option of certification at the end. The student can choose between courses such as Oenology, Autocad, Multilevel Marketing and Residential Electrician.
13. Gyn Online Courses
GYN Cursos Online is a website specialized in distance learning with free Digital Certificate. The courses are classified as “Free Online Courses” according to Presidential Decree No. 5.154, of July 23, 2004. Among the options, Oratory, Windows 10, English and Basic Computers.
14. Brazil plus IT
Brasil mais TI offers distance learning courses. The platform operates on 3 main axes – opportunity, training and knowledge. There are over 35 courses covering a total of 1,500 hours of instruction.
15. Educational WR
WR is a Polytechnic Institution of Distance Learning with free courses that have a workload between 8h and 300h. To obtain the certification, the student must request an evaluation and receive a minimum score of 6.0 to request the certificate in courses such as Administration, Computing and Basic English.
16. ABELINE Courses
The Brazilian Association of Online Education (ABELINE) offers more than 150 Free Professional Qualification Courses, all legalized by CNE and MEC. Radioactivity, Third Sector, Popular Education in University Training and Care in Nutritional Therapy are among the options.
17. Veduca Platform
The Veduca platform has professors from recognized institutions (USP) teaching courses such as Strategic Planning, Communication, Planning and Focus.
18. Institution Online Courses SP do Brasil
Cursos Online SP do Brasil offers more than 300 Free Professional Qualification Courses, such as Oenology, Autocad, Veterinary Orthopedics and Introduction to Political Philosophy.
19. Distance Learning Courses SENAI and SESI (FINDES System)
The free courses offered by SENAI and SESI cover areas such as: Personal Finance; Architectural design; Labor Legislation; Safety at work; Effective Communication, among others.
20. School of Online Courses (ESCON)
The Escola de Cursos Online (ESCON) offers free online courses in the most varied areas of knowledge. The registered student has unlimited access to all courses. Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, The History of Art, Communication and Marketing are among the available options.
21. Courses ABRAFORDES
The Brazilian Association for Training and Social Development (ABRAFORDES) aims to promote and publicize activities of a technical, scientific, educational, cultural, philanthropic, agricultural technical, ecological and responsibility and social assistance, defense and conservation of historical heritage and artistic. Among the available courses are Home Social Visit, Social and Participative Management, Penitentiary Officer and Personal Trainer.
22. EaD Sebrae (Distance Education)
Sebrae offers courses in the areas of Finance, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Market and Sales, among others.
23. FBV Courses
FBV Cursos provides training and ongoing training with didactic materials that can be downloaded or printed. Among the courses, Computing Applied to Education, Physics, Fundamentals of Special Education, Digital Photography and Office Package.
24. IBAP Courses
IBAP offers courses in the area of health in content developed by Speakers, Professors, Masters and Doctors. The material includes courses in Health Surveillance, Clinical Laboratory Immunology, First Aid and Eating Disorders.
25. EPD Online
EPD offers free short courses for improvement, specialization and updating. All the dynamics of the course are developed in the virtual learning environment of the online EPD, in which students have contact with didactic support resources that allow them to deepen the content covered. The options are divided between Graduate and MBA, Update and Extension.
26. PRO enable
PROcapacitar has 22 courses in areas such as IT; Education; Health and beauty; Administration and Languages. All are administered by CEPED Cursos, recognized as one of the best companies for courses in the category.
27. INDESFOR Institute
INDEFOR offers online courses that cover several areas of knowledge, such as Law; Education; Marketing; Human Resources, among others.
28. InBS Courses
InBS is a company dedicated to the development and creation of solutions that collaborate with the sustainable development of the country. Its courses involve the area of environment and environmental licensing.
29. Free Short Courses
All courses are aimed at professional improvement and are based on handouts. Basic IT, Administration and Basic English are among the options.
30. Administer Brazil Courses
Administra Brasil Cursos offers a program that involves choosing the course, downloading the workbook and requesting the certificate. The content has a specific workload without the need for registration, registration or proof for the certificate. Digital Marketing for Small Businesses and ABNT Standards are among the available options.
31. Bradesco Foundation
Fundação Bradesco's Virtual School Platform (e-learning) offers courses covering areas of knowledge, such as: Accounting and Finance; Computing; Administration; Personal and Professional Development; Education and Pedagogy.
32. Courses at the Brazilian Legislative Institute
The Senate Virtual School, known as Saberes, allows the opportunity to choose between courses with tutoring or completely free of tutors, all free and at a distance.
33. JurisWay Online Educational System
JurisWay offers more than 850 courses, distributed among legal topics and support areas such as: Personal Development; Portuguese; English.
34. Portuguese Virtual School
Escola Virtual Portogente offers corporate courses in distance learning in areas such as Logistics, Tourism, Commerce, Transport and others.
35. Cloud Free Courses
The Núcleo Brasileiro de Estágios (NUBE) develops an information technology system specializing in the placement of young people. It offers courses such as Personal Marketing, How to Prepare a Resume, Succeed in Selection Processes, among others.
36. FNQ Courses
FNQ courses train participants in the main topics of organizational management using the precepts of the Management Excellence Model® (MEG) as a basis. Among the training options is the Management Excellence Model.
37. Media Education
MEC provides a platform for accessing courses that include the Basic Cycle, Intermediate Cycle, Advanced Cycle and other materials.
38. Microsoft courses
Microsoft uses its platform to offer courses on its tools. Interested parties can use the Training Center to learn about Office 365 including Outlook; OneDrive; Word; Excel; Power point; OneNote; SharePoint; Microsoft Teams; Access; Visio.
39. EaD SEST and SENAT
SEST and SENAT courses are aimed at training in the transport sector. Options are found in categories such as: Education, Management, Regulated, Health, Social and Transport.
40. SESI EaD
The platform has more than 80 free courses, including Family Planning and Contraception, Professional Ethics of Internet Social Networks It is New orthographic agreement.
41. rendering courses
The free Render courses offer technical video classes that teach, in simple language, the use of the computer and its fundamental tools.
42. Eduk platform
The Eduk platform offers Online Digital Marketing courses. The content contains the main fundamentals, how to create your own blog or an online store, as well as how to use Google, Facebook and YouTube to promote your materials.
43. telecourse
The technology of an educational nature recognized by the MEC is adopted in several municipalities and applied in teaching those enrolled in High School, Elementary School and EJA (Youth and Adult Education).
44. Be-a-Byte Courses
The platform provides quality courses at no cost to those who wish to learn about different topics in the IT area.
45. Free Online E-Courses
E-cursos offers courses with a workload of 60 hours in different areas subject to certification.
46. School of Digital Marketing
The platform offers courses focused on Digital Marketing, such as What is Marketing Automation, The Advantages of the Marketplace and How to Linkbuild Content.
47. Cefor Courses
Cefor offers courses for teachers and administrative education technicians with the aim of promoting initial and continuing training.
48. HP Life
The courses cover different areas such as: Finance; Marketing; Communication and Operations.
49. TIM Institute (TIMTec)
The platform developed using MOOC technology provides free online courses following the thematic axis “Pronatec Information and Communication”, in which professors and professionals broaden their range of knowledge in courses like Entrepreneurship, REST API development, MOOC and new ways of learning.
50. Albert Einstein Hospital
Hospital Albert Einstein offers courses in the area of health with the possibility of acquiring a certificate of participation, after requesting it on the platform. Among the options are The Pain of the Homeless, Breastfeeding, Action Registry and Etiological Agents.
51. FGV Online
The Getúlio Vargas Foundation has the OEC (Open Education Consortium) platform. The courses offered are part of thematic axes such as: Personal Finance and Sustainability Area.
52. iClasses
iAulas offers free online handouts and courses in different areas.
53. USP e-Aulas Portal
e-Aulas is a service open to everyone, that is, you do not need to be part of the USP community to have access to the videos and other content offered. The portal provides access to educational content in digital media produced or supported by the University of São Paulo.
54. Coursera and USP
Coursera is an international teaching platform that has partnered with USP to offer courses in various areas of knowledge. All are taught by Professors and Masters who teach at the University of São Paulo.
55. Open Unesp
Open Unesp offers training courses in areas of education. It is an initiative of the Rectory of Unesp and the Center for Distance Education (NEaD/Unesp).55
56. Educational Technologies Management Group and Unicamp
The Educational Technologies Management Group is one of the areas that are part of Unicamp offering courses focused on educational technologies.
57. Univesp TV
The platform created by Univesp offers courses in areas such as: Mathematics; Computer engineering; Degree in Natural Sciences; among others.
58. Coursera and Unicamp
In yet another partnership with Brazilian institutions, Coursera offers courses taught by Unicamp professors.
59. e-Physics USP
The channel made available by USP offers knowledge in Physics to elementary, high school and university students and teachers, as well as complementary books.
60. Unicamp Computing Center
The mini courses have teaching materials developed by Unicamp's computing center. The material is freely available, free of charge and unrestricted, facilitating the creation of a study schedule.
61. Academic Vacancy
The Academic Ava environment offers untutored courses open to the public.
62. Federal Fluminense University
The Videoclasses Portal offers courses in more than 20 categories, working as an extension developed by a UFF professor.
63. Lumina Platform
The channel provided by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul offers courses in different areas, such as games, videos, oral health, oenology and chemistry. All material has a certificate of completion.
64. UEMA Open Courses
The State University of Maranhão offers more than 1,200 activities in a total of 27 open courses covering areas such as: Agronomy; Education; Philosophy; Geography; IT, among others.
65. Coursera and ITA
ITA partnered with Coursera to increase the chances of reaching different student profiles and thus improve education.
66. Coursera and FIA
The partnership between the two institutions offers courses focused on the areas of Consulting, Research and Executive Education.
67. Coursera and Insper
Insper operates in specific areas, such as Administration; Engineering; Right; Economy.
68. Worker's School
The initiative of the Ministry of Labor offers courses inserted in more than 10 thematic axes, such as Caring for elderly people, travel agency, Investment analysis, Image editing and processing.
69. Open University of Brazil
The Open University of Brazil (UAB) offers courses that include Public Administration, Prevention of drug misuse, among others. Those interested can join the courses by opening public notices by the Directorate of Distance Education.
70. Open Courses Portal (PoCA)
The portal created by the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) brings content in different areas of knowledge.
71. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certifications
The site offers IT courses taught by Microsoft certified trainers, including areas such as programming, for example.
72. Open Education Database (OEDb)
The Open Education Database does not require prerequisites to access the materials and offers more than 10,000 free online courses with certification.
73. edX website
The Harvard University initiative together with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) offers courses that guide several areas of knowledge with quality content. The most popular areas are Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Statistics and Languages. The content is available in English.
74. Coursera platform
In addition to partnerships with universities, Coursera has its own platform containing courses with textbooks and pre-recorded videos. There are several course options in different areas of knowledge.
75. Google Activate Spanish
Technology is the main theme of the courses and, in this context, the student has access to content such as Digital Marketing and Cloud Computing. The platform is provided by Google's Spanish division, so courses are taught in the language.
76. udacity
The site offers courses with a technological content covering topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Programming and Development, Autonomous Transport, Business and Career.
77. Academic Earth
The platform offers courses in English in different areas of knowledge, dividing them into categories. Therefore, the student can find options for Animation, Interior Design, Digital Marketing, Sustainability and Education.
78. Udemy
The platform's collection has more than 65,000 courses taught by specialized instructors. It often offers a wide range of free material.
79. khan academy
Khan Academy offers hands-on courses and exercises, dashboard and instructional videos. The options cater to different areas and profiles such as Science, Programming, History, Economics and Mathematics.
80. The Open University
The Open University is a British platform that offers courses to over 100 countries. When clicking on the distance courses option, the student is asked about the country where he lives and, from there, he sees the options available to him. Courses are divided into 19 subject areas such as Arts and Humanities, Languages, Social Sciences and Medical Sciences.
81. UCLA Extension
UCLA Extension offers courses in several areas of study with content available in English. Options are open in areas such as Finance and Education.
82. Class Central
Class Central works as a search tool for courses in the distance modality, concentrating diverse areas of knowledge such as: Computer Science; Business; Health; Humans, among others.
83. Myriadax Platform
The Ibero-American platform has more than 100 educational partners. Its content can be accessed in Spanish, English and Portuguese, providing topics such as Artificial Intelligence and Education, Tourism Management and Scientific Literacy.
84. OpenupED
The OpenupED platform supports a wide range of online courses, allowing filtering by title, language and institution. The most popular are Understanding Autism and Asperger's, Creative Writing and Climate Change.
85. UniMOOC
The Spanish platform makes it possible to professionalize and train entrepreneurs by addressing topics related to the business area. Among the most popular, Fundamentals for Electronic Commerce, Bitcoins, Tourism and New Technologies.
86. NewEd
The American channel offers courses inserted in the Corporate, Education and Science areas. The student can also participate in Webinars, but must have knowledge in English to access the material.
87. Open Education Consortium
OEC is present in more than 44 countries and has partnerships with several other institutions.
88. Future Learn
Future Learn has an online platform supplied with material designed and developed by renowned professors from renowned universities.
89. PlusAcumen (+Acumen)
The platform's mission is to provide knowledge that enables social change. Therefore, it addresses contents of Leadership and Sustainable Development.
90. apple
With iTunes U courses, teachers can deliver personalized learning by setting up and organizing lessons for students to access through the iTunes U app on iPad.
91. Saylor Academy
Saylor Academy offers nearly 100 free courses covering topics such as Art History, Communication, Mathematics and Physics.
92. FX Academy
The FX Academy offers courses for entrepreneurs focused on “Technical Business Strategy”. The student has access to materials on the psychology of negotiations that help him understand his own strengths and where he should improve.
93. Open2Study
The Australian platform offers professional, student and personal development courses in areas such as: Education and Training; Science and technology; Marketing and Advertising; Business; Finance, among others.
94. OpenSAP
OpenSAP concentrates courses that encompass technology areas, including SAP and Sustainability. The content is available in six languages, including English, French and German.
95. IAI Academy
The courses offered by the IAI Academy address current issues in specific areas of knowledge, such as: Philosophy and Science; Policy; Philosophy and Art, among others.
96. alison
The platform offers more than 1,000 free EaD courses separated into about nine thematic axes, such as: Business; Languages; Human; Lifestyle; Sciences, among others.
97. iversity
The German platform offers free courses in English covering Economics; Technology; Philosophy; Languages, among other areas.
98. Harvard Extension School
The Harvard Extension School offers more than 900 courses in different areas with registration open in November. In the catalog, the candidate will find Museological Studies, Organizational Behavior and Management in Marketing, among other options.
99. MIT Open CourseWare
The open courses provided by MIT are in English, but there are options translated into other languages, such as Spanish, Chinese, Turkish and Korean. The options can be chosen through different filters and cover topics such as energy, entrepreneurship, science and transport.
100. Carnegie Mellon University (Open Learning Initiative)
CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) extends the opportunity to learn, but also to teach. With a combination of high-quality courses, continuous feedback and research, the institution employs a dynamic approach to educational improvement as a whole.
101. Yale University (Open Yale Courses)
Yale makes selected materials available from Yale's own courses, with no pre-registration required. Disciplines such as Liberal Arts; Human; Social Sciences; Physical; Biological Sciences are studied without tutoring.
102. Stanford University (Stanford Online)
Stanford Online offers technology-oriented courses including topics such as probability and statistics, cryptography, game theory, and statistics.
103. University of Cambridge (The Language Centre)
A is the channel designed by the University of Cambridge for teaching languages such as Arabic; French; Chinese; Italian; Greek; German; Russian; Spanish; among others.