A trainer for the FBI, CIA and other security agencies for 25 years, Dr. Lieberman is a psychotherapist who spent all those years training agents so that they would know how to deal with liars, so that they could solve the crimes. For him, you have to be attentive not to what they tell you, but how they tell you.
Interested? We list the signs identified by Dr. Lieberman on people's attitudes liars so you know how to recognize if someone is lying about something important. Check it out!
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They always talk too much
Lying people tend to talk enough to try to convince you that they are telling the truth. According to Dr. Lieberman, they tend to give very long answers while truth-tellers opt for short and direct answers.
They will always try to sell you the truth
Someone who is being honest doesn't try to convince you that they are doing it, the lying person lives trying to sell the idea that it's being truthful and tells you a lot of stories during these attempts.
Feel relieved when the conversation ends
Because they spend a lot of energy trying to convince you about the stories they tell, liars feel relieved when the conversation is over and everything is behind them.
Smile with your mouth instead of smiling with your whole face
According to information from Dr. Lieberman, when people fake emotion, they don't show it with their whole faces, they only show it with their mouths. This means that liars smile with their mouth closed, with tight lips and without moving the upper part of their face. Watch.
Always pretend to be calm
When a person is lying, they will always come across as someone who is confident and calm, as take totally “self-conscious” actions, such as touching clothes to remove imaginary lint or even to yawn.
Use perfect stories
The stories always begin with the dramatic parts. In the course, they add superfluous details to the empty spaces, that is, they try to embellish the stories and make countless roundabouts.
Always use impersonal pronouns
They tend to never use pronouns like “me and mine”, because they always use second and third person pronouns, that is, the guilt is so great that the subconscious avoids blaming it on itself. Another important sign is that liars never make eye contact, because looking at someone while lying... can be intimidating.