During the election campaign of the president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), we see that several promises were made. Among them all, was to guarantee an additional amount of R$ 150 to beneficiaries of the Bolsa Family, provided they are parents or guardians of children up to 6 years old who live in that nucleus familiar.
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Unfortunately, this amount will not be available in January. This is because the program will go through a cadastral investigation process. A kind of fine-tooth comb, which aims to regularize and include all necessary beneficiaries, excluding those who received the aid improperly.
According to Wellington Dias, current Minister of Social Development, there are signs that major irregularities are present in the resource's payroll. The minister said: “We are going to work on a kind of special census for the cadastre. There are people illegally inside and there are people who have the right to be outside”. He ends by saying that he prefers to wait for the solution of that fine-tooth comb.
Dias also informed that the procedure should be brief, but that the restructuring of the social assistance network by the Ministry of Social Development is essential. Thus, the extra amount for children up to 6 years old must take at least 60 days to be properly implemented.
These irregularities mentioned began, in large part, when the Emergency Aid was implemented. Several frauds were duly investigated by the competent bodies and correctly corrected, with the due penalties and responsibilities applied, even though many still managed to get away
The main focus of the new investigation of beneficiaries is single-person families, that is, people who live alone. That's because since November 2021, there has been a considerable increase in people who have declared this condition. As reported by the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), the losses derived from registration irregularities are approximately R$ 2 billion per month.
In addition, Bolsa Família will reestablish some conditions that were extinguished in the Auxílio Brasil program of the Bolsonaro government, as is the case of the vaccination always up-to-date and the minimum school attendance for young people from beneficiary families who are still old enough to continue studying.
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