It is not a new thing that the daily life of people who have a disability is more difficult than that of those who do not. However, if we are referring specifically to the individuals who suffer from blindness, a novelty can put an end to the problem, since a corneal implant is capable of restoring people's vision.
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Check out the full article to learn more about how blind people can get their sight back with a procedure that looks promising.
The implant in question was created from pig skin. After the testing phase, it was noticed that the small device can help doctors in the treatments of visually impaired, it may soon become easier to restore patients' vision to even a more accessible. Once it has been successfully exploited, the novelty in question has already been able to repair the vision of people with disabilities and even those who had blindness at an early stage.
The corneas used in the procedure, described in Nature Biotechnology, they can facilitate the process to which many people were subjected, especially those who sought specialists in order to see again. It is also known that the treatment will be particularly useful for those who live in countries where transplants are scarce. In addition, this is also an alternative for those who do not have as many financial conditions to take care of themselves and who want to find the best values to carry out the intervention.
Another very important point that we should be aware of concerns the durability of the transplant, bearing in mind that human corneas must have a transplant of approximately 14 days. Bioengineered ones can be stored for up to two years.
Regarding the use of pig skin, the implant is made from a collagen protein found in the animal's skin. It offers a structure identical to human skin. Furthermore, there are indications that this implant can be a differential in solving other problems such as corneal dystrophies and also scars from infections or trauma, however further research and testing is yet to be needed.