O 2022 minimum wage value was published in the Official Gazette of the Union on December 31, 2021. The remuneration increased to BRL 1,212.00 per month, in accordance with Provisional Measure (MP) No. 1,091/2021. However, the measure still needs approval in the National Congress. Check out the details!
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The increase in the minimum wage in 2022, compared to last year, is R$ 112.00. The previous floor was R$ 1,100. In this sense, for every R$1.00 increase in the minimum wage, government expenditures increase by around R$364.8 million in 2022.
The new amount takes into account the monetary correction according to the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), between the months of January and November 2021, as well as the inflation projections for December 2021.
The MP for the new minimum wage is already in effect, but still needs validation by the National Congress. The deadline for this approval is up to 60 days, which can be extended for an equal period. Thus, the initial deadline will come to an end on April 2, since the counting of the year in the legislative branch only begins from February 1.
The Federal Government started to set the new value of the minimum wage through MP in 2020. Previously, the regulation of the minimum wage appreciation policy was carried out in accordance with Law 13,152, of 2015. The remuneration paid by the General Social Security System (RGPS) was also established by this law, which was in force from 2016 to 2019.
Three projections of minimum wage values were made for the year 2022. Initially, the estimate was R$ 1,169, however, the value increased to R$ 1,212 after the government was informed that the inflation forecast changed to 10.18%.
The answer is yes. States may also have values for local minimum wages, as well as wage floors according to each category above the value established by the Federal Government. Thus, it is allowed to readjust the value of the minimum wage, but never below the value established by the national floor.
In addition, the new minimum wage also changes the calculation value for social security benefits, such as social and labor benefits.