O CNPJ is the main Brazilian corporate tax identification number issued by IRS. Through it, it is possible for companies to carry out their business lawfully in the national territory. Although some people don't know it, there are some types of registration status, such as extinct, inactive, regular, active and canceled. If you want to know more about the types of CNPJ registration status, continue reading this article.
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O National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) is nothing more than a tax identification number that is issued by the Federal Revenue Service in Brazil. For a company to be able to operate normally, in accordance with national laws, it must have a CNPJ, whether it is headquartered in Brazil or not.
This identification number consists of 14 digits, which are divided. In this way, the registration number company state is the set of the first two CNPJ numbers; O space number of the company's Corporate Taxpayer Register is the set of the following eight numerals; and finally, the last four numbers of the CNPJ represent the specific branch from the company.
Although there are several types of registration situations, the most common are usually: regular, canceled, extinct, active and inactive.
The case of CNPJ with type regular refers to that status in which it is stated that the company complies with all legal and fiscal obligations.
The type active indicates that the company is actively operating.
O canceled, is the one in which the company no longer has permission from the competent body to operate its activities in the national territory. This can occur for some reasons, such as: non-payment of taxes or non-compliance with legal requirements.
the status inactive is targeted at companies that have not been in business for a certain period of time. The reasons for this to happen vary and could be because there has been no annual reporting or there has been no activity for some time.
Finally, the case of the CNPJ extinct represents that company that is permanently extinct or dissolved. This can happen for reasons of bankruptcy or for another reason that causes it to cease to exist.