According to the traffic legislation, to obtain the National Driver's License (driver's license), it is necessary to attend driving school and pass certain exams, which are: the psychological, theoretical and practical exams. However, a new project brought a proposal to the Federal Senate that aims to end the mandatory driving school to achieve the driver's license. In today's article, we'll talk a little more about this project and answer the main questions.
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As previously mentioned, today it is mandatory for future drivers to participate in a driving school, with 28 hours of theoretical classes and 20 practical classes lasting 50 minutes each. However, this process ends up being very expensive, as most driving schools charge almost R$ 4,000 for categories AB – license for car and motorcycle. Due to this amount, people who are unable to pay end up postponing and often giving up participating in this long process to obtain their CNH.
As a new alternative, Senator Katia Abreu (PDT-TO) presented Bill 6.485/2019 to the Federal Senate, which ends the obligation of driving schools to take the CNH, thus making the process more accessible to the population, since most Brazilians cannot afford the costs of the process to obtain the CNH. portfolio.
According to the proposal, citizens should study for the exams as they prefer, either at a driving school or alone. The project was presented in 2018 and is still under analysis by the Senate Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee. Therefore, the rules promoted by the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB) for obtaining the CNH are still valid. in the national territory, and the participation of the citizen who wants to obtain the license in the driving schools.