Did you know that Caixa will make available a series of payments of up to BRL 6,620 through the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS). Recently, the bank updated the list of people who can carry out these withdrawals during the month of June. Including, payments have already been released for citizens of some cities in Brazil.
Check now the availability period and if you are entitled to the benefit.
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Basically, citizens residing in a city with a positive balance on their FGTS account are entitled to payment. Are they:
In addition, values were made available for some cities in Bahia and São Paulo. In order to access the benefit, the worker must have a positive balance in his FGTS account and must not have made any withdrawals from the Guarantee Fund for the same reason in a period of less than 12 months. Affected families will also be able to count on the early release of the PIS/Pasep, announced by the Federal Government.
It is important to understand that the new list of cities in which residents can request withdrawal refers to those that have been hit by heavy rains in recent months. Thus, citizens of more than 120 municipalities had access to payments. In this case, the last cities that gained access were Belford Roxo (RJ) and Santo Antônio do Amparo (MG).
However, it is essential to pay attention to the deadline for making the withdrawal request, as it is only 60 days. If this time passes, the citizen will be unable to withdraw the amount, regardless of the reason for the delay. In addition, they will only be available to those who live in cities that have been officially decreed by the municipality and the Federal District.