Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, about accentuation. Let's analyze the accented words in the text night focus? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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It is the search for nocturnal animals with the aid of light (lantern or searchlight). The light source is used to facilitate the visualization of the animal and also because the mammal's eyes react to the light beam, showing a reflection in shades of red, orange or yellow. This mode of identification is often useful in more open environments, such as in the Pantanal and Cerrado biomes.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine.
Edition 281. Available in:
Question 1 - In the passage “It's the search for nocturnal animals with the aid of light (lantern or spotlight)", the highlighted paroxytone word is accentuated because:
( ) ends in “o”.
( ) ends in a vowel.
( ) ends in diphthong.
Question 2 - In the excerpt below, a word was transcribed without an accent. Put it on:
"The light source is used to facilitate the visualization of the animal [...]"
Question 3 - Highlight the term proparoxytone present in this text fragment:
“[…] mammalian eyes react to the beam of light, showing a reflection in shades of red, orange or yellow.”
Question 4 - Reread the text carefully. Then identify:
a) the accented oxytone word:
b) the rule that justifies the accentuation of this oxytone word:
Question 5 - Note the following accented word paroxytone:
“This mode of identification is often useful in more open environments […]”
Why is it sharp?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.