On January 24, an innovative Central Bank tool was launched, which seeks to offer citizens access to the debts they owe to banks. That's because, according to the BC itself, there are more than R$ 8 billion that are stuck in institutions, but that actually belong to the holders of these accounts.
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For this reason, the Values Receivable tool offers Brazilians the possibility of making a query to find out if there is any money held in banks. Thus, with the scheduling of payment, the citizen will be able to withdraw the amount. Wants to know how to check receivables on the website of the Central Bank? Then read on!
With the confirmation through the query that there are amounts to be received, the payment can be made in two ways: by transfer via Pix in the account registered at Registrato, or by transfer banking. That's because Pix can only be done if the money is held in one of the institutions that adhered to a Central Bank term. Therefore, already at the time of the consultation, you can know how and when the payment will be executed.
According to the Central Bank, there will be a first phase in which R$ 3.9 billion will be disclosed referring to current or savings accounts closed without withdrawals. The money can also come from undue charges, in addition to credit obligations, capital quotas and apportionment of net surpluses that consortia that no longer exist.
As for the other causes, the Central Bank intends to disclose these values during the year 2022. Thus, it is also intended to pay for pre- and post-paid accounts closed without withdrawals and accounts at brokerage houses and real estate securities distributors.
However, due to the large volume of accesses on the Central Bank platform, the tool had to be suspended and should only return on February 14th. To read and confirm all this information, just go to the Central Bank website and read about the receivables.