Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about paroxytone words. When do words rank this way? Let's learn? To do this, answer the questions that are based on the text. To be prehistoric???
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He really is very strange, looks like a mixture of centipede and earthworm and is not easy to spot. It lives on the forest floor, under the leaves that fall from the trees, where it finds its food: small insects and spiders.
Peripatus arouses a lot of curiosity among biologists: it could be an inhabitant of the Earth before the dinosaurs! Due to its importance to science, the area where the species lives was declared protected. But even so, deforestation occurs in the region, putting the peripatum at risk of extinction.
Felipe Bandoni de Oliveira. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 214. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the passage in which the term italics is paroxytone:
( ) “[…] under the leaves that fall from the trees […]”
( ) “The peripatus awakens a lot of curiosity among biologists […]”
( ) “[…] the area where the species lives were declared protected.”
Question 2 - Locate in the text the word paroxytone that is no longer accented, according to the new Spelling Agreement:
Question 3 - Note the accented word paroxytone in this excerpt:
“[…] it's not easy to see.”
Why is it sharp?
Question 4 – In the segment “Because of its importance for science […]”, the paroxytone words are accentuated, because:
( ) end in “a”.
( ) end in a vowel.
( ) end in diphthong.
Question 5 - It can be concluded that the stressed syllable of the word paroxytone is:
( ) the last.
( ) the penultimate.
( ) the third to last.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.