Jair Messiah Bolsonaro(PL), the current president of Brazil, and his team will soon present a proposal to the National Congress for the creation of a financial aid fund of R$ 400 directed to the truck drivers. The objective is to mitigate the effects of increases in fuel prices in this group. Another action that will be carried out is the increase in the value and number of families assisted by the Vale-Gas Program.
Thus, if you want to know more about the proposal to implement aid for truck drivers and expansion of the gas voucher, just continue reading the article.
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On April 21, 2022, new measures were discussed about the possibility of creating aid for truck drivers, in addition to expanding the Vale-Gás Program. Arthur Lira (PP-AL), Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) and Ciro Nogueira, minister of the Chamber of Deputies, among other high-ranking members of the federal government, participated in the meeting. The Executive has not yet provided estimates on the financial effects that may result from the implementation of the proposals.
The creation of aid of R$400 for truck drivers aimed to help the group keep up with the latest increases in the price of diesel and reduce the cost of fuel. As most of the country's markets are transported by road, the idea is to reduce current inflation.
Regarding the changes in Gas Aid, the proposal that will be released aims to expand the target audience of the initiative. Currently, families registered in the Cadastro Único program (CadÚnico) receive bimonthly payments from the program if they have a monthly income per person equal to or less than the minimum wage (R$606).
In addition, families that include BPC beneficiaries as members, as well as women victims of domestic violence, are entitled to the benefit. The price is flexible and is equivalent to 50% of the national average price of a 13-kilogram cylinder. In this sense, the government's plan with the proposed expansion is to double the value of the benefit and release it every month.