The new rules for food stamps and food stamps were approved by the Senate this week. The main idea is that all workers who receive these benefits of companies can be contemplated by the changes that promise more rigor in the use of each one of them.
Read more: New food stamp rules include a fine of up to R$50,000; know what changed
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One of the main changes is that workers will not be able to buy alcoholic beverages, but they will be able to change the card brand and withdraw the money, if they have not used it after 60 days. Follow along.
The meal voucher is intended for the purchase of ready-to-eat foods in accredited restaurants, bakeries and snack bars. The food ticket can only be used in accredited supermarkets.
The new changes signed by President Jair Bolsonaro will take effect from 2023 and will be aimed at all workers. Find out what they are.
Only for food purchase
The new measure in force for VR and VA says that it will not be possible to buy alcoholic beverages and cigarettes in any way with the vouchers. In addition, nothing other than food may be paid for with the food stamp.
Possibility to change card flag
If the worker so wishes, he can change the flag of the card at no cost to him. Everything being signed and approved by the responsible bodies, the measures will start to be valid from May 1, 2023.
All flags must be accepted
This new measure is the most talked about, after all, all establishments must accept all cards. Even if a company only accepts, for example, the Alelo card. This means that the customer can pay with other cards from other brands, paying only one fee.
Companies have a deadline that extends until May to adapt. This will ensure greater competition between companies and should promote greater convenience for workers.
After 60 days, the balance can be withdrawn
After 60 days of non-use, the balance available on the VR and VA accounts can be withdrawn and used by workers however they want to spend. This change was proposed by deputy Paulinho da Força (Solidariedade-SP) and provoked some criticism from bar and restaurant owners.