When it comes to retirement, some people have doubts, especially when it comes to conditions in which the worker has a disease that makes it difficult to perform the work activity. In this sense, according to the INSS, it is possible for the individual who has certain illnesses to receive specific benefits for retirement, such as disability retirement or sickness benefit. Check out this article for more details about some diseases that guarantee ease in retirement.
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INSS beneficiaries are entitled to receive sick pay and disability retirement, provided that some basic requirements are met. Thus, according to the agency, the insured person must have at least 12 months of contribution, or that is, deficiency, and that it is within the parameter of serious illnesses that guarantee the right to benefits.
According to the INSS, this waiver will be given in cases where the request for the benefit was made as a result of an accident of any nature, including those that occurred at work, as well as in cases where the beneficiary was diagnosed with one of the foreseen illnesses after becoming a member of the INSS.
Some illnesses considered serious by the INSS can offer citizens more facilities in retirement. The most common are: Cancer (malignant neoplasm); Leprosy; Active tuberculosis; Irreversible and disabling paralysis; Mental alienation; ankylosing spondyloarthritis; Blindness; Severe nephropathy; Parkinson's disease; Severe liver disease; Severe heart disease; Radiation contamination, according to the conclusion of specialized medicine; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); Advanced stage of Paget's disease (osteitis deformans).
In this sense, it is also worth noting that even diseases that are not on this list can guarantee the insured person the right to sickness benefit or disability retirement. However, it is necessary to prove through the presentation of exams and medical reports that the worker is unable to continue normal work activity due to this condition. In addition, it is important to inform that, in most cases, the individual receives sickness benefit to try to recover, only to request disability retirement later.