Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The genius and the fisherman.
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Once, a kind old fisherman cast his net and found no fish, just some rocks, shells and an old green glass bottle. Greatly disappointed, he threw her away into the sand. When the bottle fell, dark green smoke began to come out of it! The smoke turned into a huge cloud that filled the sky! Then he heard a loud, angry voice roar:
- So I'm the genie of the green glass bottle! How dare you throw me away? I will destroy you!
The poor fisherman trembled with fear and softly pleaded:
– Please have mercy! I didn't know you were in the bottle! I can't believe someone so big could be in such a small bottle!
The genius yelled:
– How did you manage to doubt my powers? I'll prove to you that I can get into that bottle!
And he started to disappear going back to the bottle.
As soon as the last column of smoke had spiraled into the bottle, the fisherman pressed down hard on the cork.
- I freed you and you wanted to destroy me! Stay stuck until you learn to be grateful!
Unknown author.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What are the characters in the story?
4) What did the fisherman catch when he didn't find fish?
5) What happened when he threw the bottle away?
6) What was the fisherman's reaction when he heard the voice roar in anger?
7) How did the fisherman manage to save himself from the genius?
8) What was the fisherman's last message to the genius?
9) In your opinion, why did the genie enter the bottle?
10) Make an illustration of the story:
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