Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The monkey and the rabbit.
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A monkey and a rabbit made the combination of one killing the butterflies and the other killing the snakes. Soon after, the rabbit fell asleep. The monkey came and pulled his ears.
- What is it? He screamed the rabbit, waking up with a start.
The monkey chuckled.
– Oh! Ah! I thought there were two butterflies…
The rabbit 'danced' with the game and said to himself: “Wait and you'll pay me”.
Soon after, the monkey sat on a rock to eat a banana. The rabbit came up from behind with a stick and lept – he slapped him in the tail. The monkey screamed, jumping up into a tree. To moan and cry.
– Sorry friend – said the rabbit below – I saw that twisted tail on top of the rock and I thought it was a snake.
The rabbit came out laughing, but he was also afraid of the monkey's revenge.
It was since then that the rabbit, for fear of the monkey taking revenge, started to live in holes.
Fable by Monteiro Lobato.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who is the author of the story?
3) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
4) What are the characters in the story?
5) What did they agree to do?
6) What was the monkey's reaction when he saw that the rabbit did not play its part in the agreement?
7) What did the rabbit do when the monkey stopped to eat?
8) According to the story, why does the rabbit live in holes?
9) What is your opinion about the behavior of the monkey and the rabbit, when the friend did not do the agreed? Justify.
10) If your friend did not comply with an agreement, how would you solve this situation?
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