Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses compound period. How about analyzing this type of period in the text about the wetland? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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At the heart of South America is the Pantanal, a vast expanse of wilderness that is home to the largest wetland in the world. But this is no ordinary swamp. Every year the region is taken by huge floods and then parched by a severe drought.
However as people struggle to survive the Pantanal hosts some of the biggest animal encounters on the planet. It is the only place on the continent that rivals Africa for its spectacular wildlife. It is a land of extremes that produces a profusion of life.
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Question 1 - The period "At the heart of South America is the Pantanal, a vast expanse of wilderness that is home to the largest wetland in the world." it's composed. Because?
Question 2 - In the compound period “Every year the region is taken by immense floods and then dried out by a severe drought.”, the conjunction “and” indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) alternating facts.
( ) facts that contradict each other.
Question 3 - In the above compound period, the conjunction "and" starts a sentence called:
( ) absolute.
( ) coordinate.
( ) subordinate.
Question 4 – The compound period below was transcribed without commas. Put them:
"However as people struggle to survive the Pantanal hosts some of the biggest animal gatherings on the planet."
Question 5 - Note this compound period:
“É the only place on the continent that rivals Africa for its spectacular wildlife.”
The subject of the underlined verb is:
( ) hidden.
( ) simple.
( ) undetermined.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.