Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses direct transitive verb. When is the verb classified in this way? Let's learn? To do so, answer the questions that refer to the text about culture on the São Francisco River!
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The life of the riverside people and the love of these people for the waters of the Old Chico yield stories that have already become movies, books and novels. Folklorically, the river is mentioned in many songs and legends.
It is part of the routine construction of people who have to cross it daily or those who grew up playing around the waters. Generations and generations have formed depending on the waters, turning the river into a member of these people's families.
Luana Cruz. Available in: .
Question 1 - In the segment “The life of the riverside people and the love of these people for the waters of the Old Chico make stories […]”, there is a direct transitive verb. Identify it:
Question 2 - The direct transitive verb, identified in the previous question, refers to:
( ) to the 1st person plural.
( ) to the 2nd person plural.
( ) to the 3rd person plural.
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] that already they became movies, books and novels.”, the underlined adverb adds to the direct transitive verb a circumstance of:
Question 4 – Note this excerpt:
“[…] they need to go through theit daily […]"
The highlighted pronoun performs the function of:
( ) subject.
( ) direct object.
( ) indirect object.
Question 5 - Verbs are direct transitives when:
( ) do not require a supplement.
( ) need a complement without a preposition.
( ) need complement with preposition.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.