Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, about intensity adverbs. Are we going to analyze the terms that enhance the meaning of verbs, adjectives or adverbs? To do this, answer the questions based on the text Why are ants so important?
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Ants are super important to nature. One of the things they do is scatter seeds. This means that they carry little plant seeds from one place to another, and this helps more plants to grow out there! It's a pretty cool job.
They also help control aphids, a very tiny type of insect called plant louse – which are harmful to plants. Furthermore, they help with the absorption of nutrients in the soil. "When making the nests, they facilitate the entry of air and water in places on the ground that would not enter naturally”, explains Carla Ribas, professor of the Biological Sciences course at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA).
See? Ants have many important jobs for plants, animals and for us! They are very important in the world.
Luiza Lages. Available in:
. (With adaptation).
Question 1 - Emphasize the following intensity adverb:
"Why are ants so important?"
Question 2 - The adverb highlighted above intensifies the meaning of:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
Question 3 - In the phrase "It's a really cool job.", the term "well" is:
( ) a noun.
( ) an adverb of mood.
( ) an adverb of intensity.
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] the aphids, a very tiny type of insect, […]” the adverb of intensity composes:
( ) a subject.
( ) a bet.
( ) a vocative.
Question 5 - Identify the passage in which the underlined adverb is of intensity:
( ) “[…] they do bad for the plants […]"
( ) “[…] in places on the ground that would not enter naturally […]”
( ) "They are much important in the world.”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.