Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses demonstrative pronouns. Are we going to analyze them in the thorn-mouse text? So, answer the proposed questions! In the excerpt “It is known that ________ species prefers to leave its den at dusk […]”, should the space be filled with the demonstrative pronoun “this”, “this” or “that”? Let's go to the challenge?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The thorn rat occurs only in the Brazilian cerrado and is very rare. Therefore, researchers know little about their habits. It is known that ________ species prefers to leave their dens at dusk and that they feed on plants.
The regions in which the spiny rat lives are also preferred for crops and livestock. This is destroying the rodent's habitat. Only with the creation of nature reserves will it be possible to preserve what is left of vegetation, this rodent and other animals that live in the cerrado.
Alexandra M. A. Heifer. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 214. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the passage that has a demonstrative pronoun:
( ) “The spiny rat only occurs in the Brazilian cerrado and is very rare.”
( ) “The regions in which the thornbush lives are also the preferred ones […]”
( ) "This is destroying the rodent's habitat."
Question 2 - In the passage identified above, the demonstrative pronoun:
( ) retrieves information.
( ) announces information.
( ) complements information.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “It is known that ________ species prefers to leave its den at dusk […]”, the space must be filled in with the demonstrative pronoun:
( ) "it is".
( ) "That".
( ) "that one".
Question 4 – In the segment “[…] it will be possible to preserve what remains of the vegetation […]”, the term “o” performs the function of:
( ) definite article.
( ) personal pronoun.
( ) demonstrative pronoun.
Question 5 - Underline, in the following fragment, the word that is the contraction of a preposition with a demonstrative pronoun:
“[…] of this rodent and other animals that live in the cerrado.”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.