Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the phrases. Let's analyze them in the text about the black lion tamarin? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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The black lion tamarin only exists in the Atlantic Forest in the interior of São Paulo and is the symbol species of the state. It is a small animal, weighs about 600 grams as an adult and its body is covered by a long, mostly black fur – only the hip is orange in color. It lives in groups of two to eight individuals, is very active during the day and shelters in hollow trees at night. Fruits are the basis of their diet, which also includes insects, geckos and tree frogs. Its population is estimated at 1,400 individuals, according to the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio). It is a species considered “endangered” mainly because of the loss and fragmentation of its habitat.
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Question 1 - In the excerpt “The black lion tamarin only exists in the inland Atlantic Forest from Sao Paulo […]", the highlighted phrase performs the function of:
( ) name.
( ) characterize.
( ) express a circumstance.
Question 2 - In “[…] your body is covered by a long coat […]”, the verbal phrase indicates:
( ) the subject's active voice.
( ) the subject's passive voice.
( ) the reflective voice of the subject.
Question 3 - Highlight the adverbial phrase that expresses time in this period of the text:
“It lives in groups of two to eight individuals, is very active during the day and shelters in hollow trees at night.”
Question 4 – In the period above, the adverbial phrase changes the meaning of:
( ) a verb.
( ) an adjective.
( ) an adverb.
Question 5 - Underline, in the segment below, the prepositional phrase:
"It is a species considered 'endangered' mainly because of the loss and fragmentation of its habitat."
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.