Recently, the Federal Government announced changes in the value of the Brazil Aid. Since May 18th, millions of Brazilians who are part of the program have had an increase in income. Because of this, it is important to pay attention to CadÚnico reports and amounts of payments made by Auxílio Brasil. With that, see below if there was any change in the value of the benefit in May.
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Reaching almost 18 million Brazilians, Auxílio Brasil is a benefit whose main objective is to help and supplement the monthly income of vulnerable families. To be entitled to payment, citizens need to meet certain requirements and have their data updated in CadÚnico.
Among them, it is necessary to live in a situation of extreme poverty, in which the family income is up to R$ 105 per person, or in condition of poverty, with a family income of a maximum of R$ 210 per person, with at least one pregnant woman, nursing mother or under 21 years of age in House. However, it is necessary to verify that the payment has been maintained, as a series of blockages are being carried out by the Ministry of Citizenship.
The payment amount remains the same, at a minimum amount of R$ 400 per month, but the dates for each NIS have undergone some changes. Check out:
If you are not on the payment list, you must access the Cadastro Único app to check the reason for the exclusion. In general, many blockages are taking place because beneficiaries have not updated their information on the platform, which can clash with other government databases, such as the INSS.
For this reason, when updating your documentation, you must undergo a new screening, in which your information will be corrected and even payment refunded.