By relying on the fact that by possessing fruits in its composition, it was something healthy and beneficial to the body, industrialized juices were part of the routine of many, and especially of North Americans. However, industrialized or not, juice is not always the best option for a healthy routine.
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Although many labels inform that their drink consists of 100% juice, there may be more than just fruit in its composition. Even a “100% apple” juice can have juice from other fruits or vegetables in its composition. In addition, it is also possible to contain additives of preservatives, flavorings, salt, among other substances.
So that it can be stored for a long time, in many companies orange juice is heated to remove oxygen. However, in this process the flavor of the juice also ends up being altered, and disappearing.
Before the sale process, manufacturers apply changes to reactivate the flavor of the juice. In these cases, orange essential oil is commonly added, among other preservatives, to keep the juice “fresh”.
Many imagine that, because it is the squeezed (or beaten) fruit, the juice has the same effect as eating a fruit. However, it turns out to be the opposite. Chewing the fruit and eating it completely, in addition to the sugar and flavor of the fruit, still provides fiber and other important substances.
When making the juice, most of the fibers are destroyed, leaving only fructose, that is, fruit sugar. In view of this, we sought to compare the amount of sugar in the intake of fruit juice in relation to soda. Thus, they found that there is a similar percentage of sugar in both drinks, reducing the belief that juice would be healthier.