Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The hunt for Easter eggs.
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Easter was approaching, Lili was impatient to decorate the eggs, she asked her mother to cook them and then she went after Juju, Mimi and Pepe, and they all went to work.
"I'm going to paint this one pink and make little purple dots," Lili announced.
“In mine, I'll draw mosquitoes,” Pepe declared.
– I want blue! shouted Juju, dipping her egg into the blue paint can, which overflowed.
When all that mess was cleaned up, Mom left to hide the eggs on the beach, and then called the gang of friends.
– There are twenty-five hidden eggs! Whoever finds the most eggs takes the prize! To your marks… Prepare… Go!
Lili, Juju, Mimi and Pepe hit the beach. They found an egg buried under a sand castle, another a beach towel, and yet another under the belly of a man taking a nap!
When the sun began to set over the horizon, everyone gathered to count the eggs. Mimi, Juju and Pepe had found six eggs each.
– Four, five and six! - Lili was astonished.
Which added up to twenty-four eggs in total! There was still one hidden somewhere on the beach.
The gang dispersed immediately to look for the last egg. A few moments later, Lili noticed something.
- Come see! I found the last egg! - She screamed.
The companions joined her running.
– Look! It's the biggest chocolate egg I've ever seen!
- Angry! – Mom said. – This egg is the reward, Lili. And since each of you found the same number of eggs, you will all share that egg!
– Where did Juju end up? asked Lili. At that moment, the giant egg began to move, to make noise, to shake. And suddenly…
The egg opened and Juju appeared, while pieces of chocolate scattered everywhere.
- Great! – Lili shouted. – Mom, did you come up with this idea?
- Of course not! – replied the sister. – I wonder how Juju managed to get in there.
– It's my secret! – said Juju proudly, swallowing a piece of chocolate. Mom and Lili shrugged, and everyone moved to the table to savor the big chocolate egg.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) What are the characters in the story?
3) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
4) What color did each one choose to paint their eggs?
5) What did mom do after cleaning up the mess?
6) Where did they find the eggs?
7) How many eggs did each one find?
8) What was the surprise that made Juju?
9) How do you think Juju got in?
10) Make an illustration of the story:
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