During the early hours of this Thursday, 9, the Ministry of Education (MEC) published the ordinance in the Official Diary of the Union which initiates the public consultation on the new secondary education. According to the ordinance, the debate will be held so that society can discuss and participate in the restructuring of education.
There will be workshops, seminars and presentations, with education professionals and students from all over the country.
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The experience of applying the new secondary education has been rethought through debates and requests for it to be revoked. As a guarantee of public opinion, MEC Minister Camilo Santana published the ordinance so that society as a whole could participate in the decision.
MEC's action relies on the support and collaboration of the Secretariat for Intersectoral Articulation and Education Systems (Sase), the National Forum of State and District Councils of Education (Foncede), National Council of Education (CNE) and the National Council of Secretary of Education (Consed).
A period of 90 days was granted and there is the possibility of being extended. When the stipulated period comes to an end, it will be Sase's responsibility to send the final report and the conclusion of the public opinion. The report will be sent to the Ministry of Education for the Minister to analyze.
The new high school law was approved in 2017, during the government of former President Michel Temer. The proposal is based on making the final stage of basic education more attractive, with the intention of reducing school evasion.
For Camilo Santana, the dialogue was open to specialists and civil society with the intention of collecting information about the decision.
The complete implementation of the new high school has a deadline set for 2024, next year. In 2022, the model was implemented in the 1st year of high school and, this year, the 2nd year will receive the new teaching. The complete stage ends in 2024, with the 3rd year, but the debates on the subject have been opposed to the continuation of the model.
According to the plan, the student's training will be divided: part of the teaching will be directed by the document of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and the other part, called itinerary, the student will have the option to choose to highlight one of the areas: mathematics, languages, human sciences, technical education or natural sciences.
The itinerary will depend on the student's choice and what the institution will be able to offer.
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