Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the third year of elementary school with questions developed on the text “The princess and the fisherman”.
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Once upon a time there was a poor fisherman who found a pot in his fishing net. In that pot, he found a beautiful magical princess, who promised him riches if he released her. And that's what he did. The magical little princess took him to a brilliant blue sea, in which he caught the rarest fish.
The king paid a lot of money for these rare fish. However, when the king's maid tried to roast those fish, people jumped out of the pot! The king was amazed and asked to be taken to the brilliant blue sea. There he found a man imprisoned by an evil queen.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) What did the fisherman find one day in his fishing net?
3) In the pot, what did the fisherman find?
4) Where did the princess take the fisherman?
5) When the king's maid tried to roast the fish that the fisherman had sold, what happened?
6) What did the king find when he went to the blue sea?
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At answers are in the link above the header.