Homemade tips are great to help solve some problems that occur in everyday life, getting rid of possible delays. And nothing is worse than being late for something precisely because your clothes are stained, even more so if they are greasy, which tends to be a cost to get out of. And it was with this intention that we decided to create this article! To show tips for removing grease stains from clothes.
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Vinegar is an important ingredient in Brazilian cuisine, collaborating in salads and other dishes. But vinegar has other purposes beyond the kitchen, serving as a great player in eliminating grease stains on clothes.
Just put 1 tablespoon of vinegar on top of the stain and wait to act for a few minutes, after that, wash the place with soap or detergent.
This potent combination could be what will remove all the grease stains present on your clothes, due to the acidity of the lemon. Serving as a natural sanitizer, squeeze the lemon and use its juice directly in the desired location, rub with the help of hot water and detergent and that's it!
Baking soda is a great cleaning agent, but its power is enhanced when used with detergent. This mixture is perfect for removing older stains. Knowing this, mix a little baking soda with the detergent until you make a paste, under the spot of the stain, put something to serve as support.
After that, apply the bicarbonate and detergent paste to the stained area and let it act for 15 minutes, scrub with a brush and rinse with hot water.
The simplest method of removing grease stains is using hot water! but it will not be effective for all stains, only the most recent ones. So, look on the clothing label for cleaning specifications, and if everything is ok, carefully put hot water in the desired location and rub a little and that's it!
And with these tips your clothes will be free of any kind of greasy stains!
So, now that you know what are the tips for removing grease stains from clothes. Take the opportunity to separate the necessary materials and start the process.