Portuguese assessment, suitable for students in the eighth year of elementary school, with questions from reading and interpreting text, activities on pronominal placement and the process of forming words.
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01) Review the texts below:
a) In text I, there is proclisis in:
b) In Text II, mesoclisis occurs in:
c) Is the word “shameless” present in text II formed by the process of word formation called prefixal and suffixal derivation or parasynthetic derivation? Justify your answer.
d) Transcribe a word from text II that is formed by the suffix formation process.
Text for questions 02 to 05
A survey carried out by AVG Technologies with families around the world showed that 66% of children between 3 and 5 years old were able to use video games. computer, but only 14% were able to tie their shoes alone.(…) But is this early insertion in the world of technology beneficial for small?(…) Canadian therapist Cris Rowan, for example, argues that the use of technology by children under 12 is harmful to development and childhood learning.
According to her, the overexposure of children to cell phones, internet, iPad and television is related to the deficit of attention, cognitive delays, learning difficulties, impulsivity and problems dealing with feelings such as anger. Other common problems would be obesity (because the child starts to do less physical activity), sleep deprivation (when the children use the technologies inside the bedroom), the risk of dependence on technology.(…) and of being victims of pedophiles through the network. But even with so many recommendations, many parents don't seem to care. Under the justification that today it is important to know how to work with new technologies from an early age or simply to avoid annoyance, parents they end up leaving children free to use the equipment however they want, which can cause problems not only for the little ones, but for the whole family.(…)
How to educate children about the use of technology:
-keep dialogue and invest in family activities;
-let the child show interest in using an electronic device, after which the parents can show them how to use the devices correctly;
-establish rules and work so that the child does not end up exaggerating when using electronic devices;
-parents should set an example and not use technology for a long time;
-encourage the child to play sports, cultural activities or simply establish a routine family conversation;
-parents must install monitoring tools or blocking of some internet content as a way to protect the child;
-keep the computer in a common area of the house with the screen always visible and limit the time using the equipment;
-parents should always be willing to clarify doubts and explain the reasons why it is necessary to use new technologies with caution.
02) According to the text above:
I. A large percentage of children know how to tie their shoes and use technology.
II. According to therapist Cris Rowan, the use of technology by minors is possible as long as there is parental monitoring.
III. According to therapist Cris Rowan, the early use of technology by a child can lead to health problems and even hinder their school performance.
The alternative is correct:
a) ( ) I and II
b) ( ) II and III
c) ( ) III
d) ( ) II
03) In prayer: “what can cause problems not only for the little ones, but for all the family". The highlighted word expresses the idea of:
a) ( ) cause
b) ( ) effect
c) ( ) consequence
d) ( ) annoyance
04) According to the text, why don't parents worry about their children using technology?
05) In the tips on how to educate children about the use of technology, point out the one that is exclusively aimed at an inappropriate attitude on the part of the parents.
06) Read the text below and explain in your own words what you understood?
07) Note the strip below:
strip haircut
Explain what gives the cartoon's humor.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva - Graduated in Literature and Pedagogy - Postgraduate in Special Education.
At answers are in the link above the header.