Mathematics Assessment, for students in the third or fourth year of elementary school, with division and multiplication activities.
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1)Check the divisions below that are exact.
a.( ) 10÷2 =
b.( ) 100÷1 =
c.( ) 40÷3 =
d.( ) 60÷2 =
e.( ) 48÷5 =
2) Answer:
Double 6 is 12. What is half of 12?
a.( 6 )
c. (18)
d. (24)
3) When Maria put a cake to bake, the clock read:
The cake was ready in 35 minutes. What time was the clock ticking when the cake was ready?
(A) 11 hours 50 minutes
(B) 12 hours
(C) 12 hours 10 minutes
(D) 12 hours 10 minutes
4)Paulo (A), Cassia (B) and Cristina (C) live on the same street. To deliver a letter, the postman should find out Cassia's full address, knowing that the houses are arranged according to the figure below:
Cassia's house is located at number:
(A) 11.
(B) 12.
(C) 13.
(D) 15.
5) Knowing that 40÷2 = 20, what is the result of:
a) 40÷5 =
b) 40÷8 =
6)Daniel, Isabela and Julia were chosen by classmates to interview the owner of the bakery in the city, looking for information about the amount of bread consumed per month.
The information that the students obtained by interviewing Mr. José, the bakery owner, is being used to organize problems that the class will solve.
Every two months, 20 boxes with 20 loaves are consumed each. How many loaves are consumed every two months?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.
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