The end of the school year comes to an end, school get-togethers become the hot topic. Finally, after a full year of study, development and learning, what students want most is to have a moment of celebration with their peers and family.
The end-of-year dynamics, usually held in November or early December, are activities in the which students, parents and teachers can reflect on the lessons learned and goals conquered. Given the importance of these rituals and the sense of renewal they celebrate, as well as collectivism and friendship, nothing better than some simple and fun tips to close the annual activities with a flourish.
Want some ideas to prepare a good end-of-the-year get-together? See below the dynamics and games you can organize!
1. the good old secret friend
The game starts when each participant draws a paper with the name of a colleague. The big challenge is to keep the winner a secret, of course! On the day set for the exchange of gifts, through tips on the qualities and personality of the colleague, participants try to guess who was drawn. The exchange of gifts takes place and the game continues.
2. Utilities Bingo
Ask that, on the day of the get together, each one takes a gift, with a maximum stipulated value. Good examples of giveaways are diaries, picture frames, commemorative mugs, candy packets or chocolates. Then buy bingo cards and distribute to participants, who must use beans or corn to mark the numbers. Everyone has fun and wins some item!
3. False friend
In this dynamic, everyone gets presents, but each one decides whether to keep the item they chose or exchange it for someone else. Upon arriving in the classroom, everyone must deposit their gift on a central table, without any identification. Each student must then choose a package and find out what is in it and can keep or exchange the item. However, there is a limiting rule: each item can only be traded three times!
At first, the game is very simple, but as more gifts are opened, more excited it becomes. In the end, what makes it so funny are the most sought after gifts, the ones that pass from hand to hand.
Everyone participates and has fun, but it is worth explaining that, probably, the chosen gift can be “exchanged” during the game. Talk to the students and tell them to take care of the wrapping to “disguise” the object well, as it will be more fun to see the surprised faces of the classmates.
4. Surprise box
The teacher should prepare a box of fun tasks—like imitating a cat, jumping like a frog, imitating a monkey, or jumping on one leg—and then sit in a circle with the students. The box should circulate from hand to hand until a signal is given. Whoever is with her at that moment must withdraw a task and execute it. The game continues until all activities are done.
Source: Internet
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