Portuguese activity, focused on students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses the adjectives. Let's analyze these terms in the text that introduces us to Hippopotamus Lagoon? So, answer the questions proposed below! In the passage “[…] two old hippos that sink […]”, does the word “old” work as an adjective or noun? How about explaining that, huh?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Secluded and protected, away from the turmoil of the Luangwa River in Zambia, Kasikizi Lagoon is home to small but diverse fauna. At the height of the rainy season, the lagoon fills up and becomes a peaceful and ideal spot for two old hippos that sink into the water's depths. The lagoon becomes their sanctuary, a world away from the more violent life they left behind on the main river. There they had to face wild masters, willing to fight to protect their territory.
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Question 1 - The adjectives "Isolated" and "protected" characterize:
Question 2 - Highlight the adjectives in this text segment:
“[…] the Kasikizi Lagoon is home to a small but diverse fauna.”
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] a quiet and ideal place […]”, there are two adjectives: one uniform and the other biform. Identify them:
Uniform adjective:
Biform adjective:
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] two old hippos that sink […]”, does the word “old” work as an adjective or noun? Explain:
Question 5 - Why is the adjective “watery” accented?
Question 6 – In “[…] a world away from life more violence that they left behind in the main river.”, the highlighted term:
( ) explains the meaning of the adjective “violent”.
( ) intensifies the meaning of the adjective “violent”.
( ) complements the meaning of the adjective “violent”.
Question 7 – As for training, the adjective "wild" is classified as:
( ) primitive and simple.
( ) derivative and simple.
( ) derivative and compound.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.