Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses the ordinal numerals. What do they indicate in the communicative context? Let's learn? To do this, answer the questions that refer to the text. chocolate in Brazil!
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Brazil is the sixth largest cocoa producer in the world. It trails Côte d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. The country produces 800 thousand tons of chocolate a year and consumes 790 thousand tons. Brazil imports 20 thousand tons of chocolates and exports 30 thousand tons.
Bahia accounts for 95% of national production, followed by Espírito Santo (1.5%) and Amazônia (1.5%). The city of Ilhéus is considered the largest cocoa producer in the country. There are tourist itineraries in Ilhéus that visit cocoa farms and tell the trajectories of the “colonels” who lived in the region.
Our country is the second largest producer of Easter eggs in the world, losing only to England, and the third largest producer of chocolates, behind the United States and Germany.
Marcelo Duarte. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the snippet that contains an ordinal numeral:
( ) “The country produces 800 thousand tons of chocolate a year […]”
( ) “Bahia accounts for 95% of national production […]”
( ) “[…] and the third largest producer of chocolates […]”
Question 2 - In the excerpt identified above, the numeral is ordinal because it indicates:
( ) an amount.
( ) a part of a whole.
( ) a position/placement.
Question 3 - In the period below, there is an ordinal numeral. Brand it:
"Brazil is the sixth largest cocoa producer in the world."
Question 4 – In “Our country is the second world producer […]”, the highlighted term is:
( ) a noun.
( ) a preposition.
( ) an ordinal numeral.
Question 5 - It can be concluded that ordinal numerals are variable:
( ) in gender.
( ) in number.
( ) in gender and in number.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.