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Throughout the school year, teachers need to manage their time well and apply different contents. Then, it is necessary to take some tests to analyze the performance of the students. So we've selected some 5th grade geography assessments as examples. Enjoy!
1) What is a hydroelectric power plant?
2) Link the information below with the sequence in which they occur in a hydroelectric plant.
The motor energy that leaves the turbine is transferred to a large
1st generator and is transformed into electrical energy.
2nd Large artificial lakes are built in the plants.
3rd The accumulated water passes through dams and moves the turbines.
3) Complete the sentences below with the names of the rivers that are in the table below:
Araguaia River – Tocantins River – Tocantins and its tributaries, the Araguaia River
a) It is formed by the ________________________________________ rivers.
b) River where the Tucurúi hydroelectric plant is installed: _____________.
c) River that has the largest river island in the world: _____________________.
4) In addition to hydroelectric power plants, what are other possible energy sources that can be transformed into electrical energy?
5) Answer:
a) Brazil is divided into five regions which are they?
b) What is the name of your region and which states make it up?
c) Which regions are bathed by the Atlantic Ocean?
d) Which is the Brazilian region made up of the largest number of states?
geography assessment
1) The flat representation, in map form, of the planet is the
( ) terrestrial globe
( ) Planispheric
2) In relation to the equator line as the upper part of the planet is called:
( ) North hemisphere
( ) South hemisphere
3) What is the name of the vertical line that divides the earth in half into the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere:
( ) Tropic of Capricorn
( ) Greenwich Mean Time
4) Most of the Brazilian territory is located in which hemisphere, north or south of the planet?
( ) North hemisphere
( ) South hemisphere
5) How many regions are the Brazilian states divided into:
( ) 10
( ) 5
6) In which region do you live?
7) In which state and municipality is the school located?
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