At astrology, the personality of each sign is influenced by three factors: ruling planet, element and type of energy. What determines whether a sign is more or less obsessive than another, for example, is this vibrational energy. See which are the most obsessive groups of the zodiac and analyze what they have in common to stay that way.
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To start our analysis, know that there are three types of energy in astrology:
The fixed signs of the zodiac
The stars mark the height of the season. This means that the energy of this period is at its fullest, making you firm, stable and stubborn. And it is this inflexibility that makes them able to focus indefinitely on one thing, task or person at a time. This channeled energy allows them to manifest beautifully, but it also blinds them to the big picture. Caution is needed.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Once a Taurus becomes obsessed with an idea, it's almost impossible to get it out of his head. This applies to all aspects of your life, i.e. relationships, career and even hobbies.
In relationships, he seeks compromise and solidarity, but he tends to be stubborn, jealous and… of course, obsessive. He has his feet on the ground, but his mind is still a little closed.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Being a fixed energy sign, Leos tend to become a bit obsessive, especially with regard to their image. They have self-confidence, are crazy about themselves and how they are seen by other people.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
It is the "worst" of all the zodiac, especially in their relationships. When in love, they want to know everything about the loved one. Scorpios can be obsessive and extremely protective over something or someone. Once in love, there is no turning back. They want to discover every detail of the other. Their passion and dedication can take over their mind, so they can become territorial, extremely possessive and jealous.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 19th)
It's the only fixed sign that doesn't have a tendency to develop an obsession. On the contrary! Being obsessed with something or someone doesn't even cross the minds of Aquarians.