This Friday, they will receive the first installment of the Bolsa Familia beneficiaries with the end of the NIS (Social Registration Number) 3. The installment corresponds to the value of R$ 600, as promised by the Lula government. More than 20 million families will receive transfers of the benefit, as directed by the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance. Know more.
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This is the first month that marks the return of Bolsa Família as a social program. During the Bolsonaro government, the benefit was recognized as Auxílio Brasil, but used for the same purpose, transferred for the amount of R$ 400 initially and R$ 600 in the last months of 2022.
People with financial vulnerability, in a state of poverty and extreme poverty, will receive an average of BRL 614.21, generating revenue of BRL 13.38 billion for the Federal Government.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced on January 16 that the R$600 installment guarantees the commitment that the government seeks to maintain with the population.
“We will start paying R$ 600 to beneficiary families. Commitment signed during the campaign and which we achieved thanks to the PEC that we approved during the transition, since the amount had not been foreseen in the previous government's Budget”, he informed.
This month, transfers will be without the additional amount, as instructed. The additional BRL 150 for families with children up to 6 years of age will begin to be paid in March, as Minister Wellington Dias pointed out.
The additional will start to be paid when they do the "fine-tooth comb" on the benefit, stating that there are people who receive the amount illegally.
The benefit is passed on every 2 months and will only be paid in February. The amount of 100% for the purchase of the 13 kg gas cylinder is passed on to the beneficiaries written in the CadÚnico (Single Registration).
NIS 1 Finals – January 18th;
NIS 2 Finals – January 19th;
NIS 3 Finals – January 20th;
NIS 4 Finals – January 23rd;
End of NIS 5 – January 24th;
NIS 6 Finals – January 25th;
NIS 7 Finals – January 26th;
NIS 8 Finals – January 27th;
End of NIS 9 – January 30th;
End of NIS 0 – January 31st.
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