Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the verbal transitivity. Direct transitive verb, indirect transitive verb and direct and indirect transitive verb (bitransitive)! Are we going to study them? To do this, answer the questions based on the text “Solo vivo”!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on 8th grade students, about the participle verbs. Are we going to analyze verbs in this noun form? To do this, answer the questions that refer to the text on the origin of Bonfire!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the adnominal deputy. Adnominal adjuncts are those terms that perform the syntactic function of characterizing or determining! Are we going to learn more about them? To do so, answer the questions based on the text that introduces us to the “haka” dance!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the direct objects. How about analyzing the complements of direct transitive verbs? To do this, answer the questions that refer to the text on the Agroecology!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the adverbial tense adjunct. Are we going to study the expressions that indicate circumstances of time in the text “Dream of Don Bosco”? So, answer the questions proposed below!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the simple period. When does a period qualify this way? When you only have one prayer! Let's analyze the simple periods that make up the text about the origin of the word “forró”? For this, answer the various questions proposed!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, recommended to first year high school students, about the uses of the comma. Are we going to learn how to use this punctuation mark correctly by analyzing different situations? To do this, answer the questions based on the text. PetDay Cãominhada 2019 takes place on Sunday; see attractions!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about the verbs in past tense. What do they indicate? Continuous, sporadic or passing events in the past? Let's find out? To do this, answer the questions based on the text in the company of friends!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, addresses the determined subjects. Hidden subject, simple subject and compound subject! Let's analyze them in the text The Ghost City – Save Yourself Collection, written by Sarah Dixon? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the verbs in indicative mode. Let's analyze the verbs that express certainties? To do this, answer the questions referring to the text about the Argentine group Los Musiqueros!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.