These are activities aimed at children in kindergarten, they aim to improve children's visual attention.
You can download this activity on one page per sheet or two pages per sheet.
Math activity, with math problems for students in the second year of elementary school.
You can download math problems in Word (template that can be edited) and PDF (ready to print), this activity is also available with answers.
Text interpretation activity “The cold duck”, this activity is suitable for students in the third year of elementary school.
This Portuguese activity is available for download in two formats, Word (template that can be edited) and PDF (ready to print), you can also download the answered interpretation.
Portuguese assessment aimed at fifth-year students, in this activity we can assess the child's ability interpret texts, verbal conjugation, plural, alphabetical order, classification according to stressed syllable and complete with S or Z/ lh or l.
The Portuguese language assessment is available for download in two formats so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs, you can also download the completed activity. The Portuguese test templates are Word (template that can be modified) and PDF (ready to print).
Text interpretation activity aimed at third-year elementary school students. The text used for interpretation is “The tortoise”.
This reading comprehension activity is available for download in two formats, in Word (template that can be edited) and in PDF (ready to print), you can also download the activity answered.
The “Goldilocks” text interpretation activity is aimed at fourth-year students.
This reading comprehension activity can be downloaded in two formats, in Word (template that can be modified) and in PDF (ready to print), the answered activity is also available.
Mathematics assessment aimed at fifth graders, this assessment contains activity from: Multiples of 7, 5, 12; Numerical expressions; Angles; Polygons and the 4 operations.
This math activity is available for download in two templates, in Word (template that can be edited) and in PDF (ready to print). We are also providing the completed assessment.
Interpretation activity of the text “A chicken carijó”, this interpretation is aimed at students in the third year of elementary school. The text used is a short and simple text, it is written entirely in stick letters, to facilitate the student's understanding.
This reading comprehension activity is available for download in two formats, in Word (template that can be edited) and in PDF (ready to print), you can also download the activity answered.
These are geography activities aimed at students in the first year of elementary school, these activities are about: Getting to know the school environment; Get to know the school staff; Identify what is done in each environment;
You can download this activity in two ways: one page per sheet or two pages per sheet.
Text interpretation activity aimed at third-year elementary school students. The text used in this activity is "Chuvarada"
This reading comprehension activity can be downloaded in a Word template (template that can be modified) and in PDF (ready to print), the completed activities are also available.