To the coexistence rules for children are of paramount importance for a more harmonious environment. Good coexistence reflects in the family environment, among friends and even in the job market.
Therefore, in addition to knowing these rules well, one must know how to teach them to future generations. These norms will make children develop with the idea of respect for others. If such rules did not exist, everyone would behave according to their wishes, without order.
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In a society where many have stopped exercising these norms of good coexistence, a child familiar with them will be a differential. Little ones who practice the rules will be safer and happier adults.
The rules of coexistence are basically norms that help the individual to live with everyone in a harmonious and respectful way. Although all are of great importance, some should be taught to children from an early age. These
In addition to the main rules of coexistence, other rules must be taken into account during the development of the child:
To teach their children the rules of coexistence, parents must be an example. From the moment parents greet a person or say thank you, their children will do the same.
In addition, some other practices can help when teaching the rules of coexistence:
Congratulate and correct: When the child has good behavior, congratulate. This will encourage you to continue these habits. But if the child does the opposite, don't hesitate to correct it.
Start as early as possible: The sooner you teach the child, the more he will adapt to the rules. Soon, practice will be easier.
Explain the importance: Whenever there is an opportunity, explain to the child that it is very important to follow the rules of coexistence. Also, explain the benefits.
Do not hesitate in time: Whenever you can, demonstrate good manners to the child.
Schedule games: In a fun way, teach the child about good manners. The game must be according to the age of the little one.
It doesn't matter how old your child is. It will always be important to emphasize the importance of good manners. This will help you to live in a more respectful and tolerant way with society.
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