One of the first acts of the Lula government was to recover the identity of the program Bolsa Familia, which during the years of Jair Bolsonaro's government was called Auxílio Brasil. This brought some changes to the benefit, although the amount of R$ 600 remained. However, in this new phase there are some priority groups in Bolsa Família, see what they are!
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The Lula government decided to maintain many of the characteristics of the former Auxílio Brasil, such as the values, the criteria for receiving and also the payment of beneficiaries. Thus, to receive Bolsa Familia, you must have a monthly family income of up to R$ 218 per capita.
In addition, families that eventually exceed up to 50% of this amount will be able to continue in the program. Thus, what really changed in the program was the insertion of more social reach for the release of the benefit.
Thus, there will be criteria aimed at reaching families with children and adolescents of school age, as well as relating the delivery of the benefit to the vaccination program. Below, check which family groups will have priority:
Families with children and teenagers
One of the main purposes of the new Bolsa Família is to assist families with children and adolescents. Thus, families with children up to 6 years old will receive an additional R$ 150 in addition to the R$ 600.
Families with children and adolescents between 7 and 18 years old will receive an additional R$50.
Priority on returning to the program
Another group that will have priority will be those who left the program voluntarily, but who had to, due to force majeure, return.
For example, some families leave the program because one of their members has taken a new job, which increases the family's income and disqualifies them from the program.
However, there is also the possibility that this person will lose their job at some point and need the program again. In these cases, the government will give priority to this family group, so that there is no need to go through the selection process again.
Therefore, it will be possible to return to the program and receive the benefit in a shorter time.