You plant hormonesare substances that function as chemical messengers of plants and regulate their growth and development.
We prepared a list of exercises on plant hormones so that you can test your knowledge about these substances that regulate the development of plants.
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1) (UEMA) Despite not having a nervous system, plants are able to control their development and growth, according to environmental conditions, and to react to stimuli such as light, gravity and contact. This reaction is driven by plant hormones or phytohormones whose actions can accelerate growth, making plants abnormally tall. and discolored, with a tendency to droop, delay their aging, in addition to blocking their growth in winter in response to the conditions adverse. The phytohormones active in each of the activities resulting from their actions are, respectively:
a) cytokinins, gibberyllins, auxins.
b) cytokinins, auxins, gibberyllins.
c) auxins, abscisic acid, gibberyllins.
d) abscisic acid, auxins, cytokinins.
e) gibberyllins, cytokinins, abscisic acid.
2) (UFRN) When the auxin level of a leaf drops sharply, it can be assumed that that leaf is:
a) in full photosynthetic activity.
b) in the early stage.
c) in full maturation.
d) entering the distension phase.
e) reaching the senescent phase.
3) (UEPG) The development and growth of plants is regulated by plant hormones (or phytohormones), substances produced in certain parts of the plant and transported to others, where they exert their functions. Mark the correct statement about plant hormones.
01) Auxins control several activities in the plant: they cause elongation of newly formed cells from the meristems, promoting root and stem growth; in addition, they participate in the formation of fruits and in the process of abscission.
02) Gibberellins are produced in meristems, seeds and fruits. Promotes stem and leaf growth by stimulating both cell divisions and cell elongation.
04) Cytokinins, in association with auxins, stimulate cell division and are abundant in parts of the plant in that there is great cell proliferation, such as seeds in germination, fruits and leaves in development and tree tips. roots.
08) Ethylene has the main characteristic of delaying plant aging and also causes seed dormancy, preventing premature germination.
16) Abscisic acid is a plant growth inhibitor and is primarily responsible for blocking plant growth in winter. The concentration of this hormone is high in seeds and fruits.
4) (UFMS) Currently, five categories of plant hormones that act on plant development are known. Knowing that these hormones have different ways of acting and functions, identify, among the alternatives below, the one that is correct.
a) Gibberellins are produced in the apical meristem of the stem and inhibit the lateral buds, preventing the emergence of branches in the plant.
b) Auxins are produced mainly in the roots and stimulate the growth of stems and leaves.
c) Ethylene is a liquid substance, produced by leaves, and plays an important role in root growth.
d) Abscisic acid acts on the growth of different parts of the plant, as well as plays an important role as a stimulator in seed germination.
e) Cytokinins, produced in the roots and transported by the xylem to other parts of the plant, stimulate cell division.
5) (UFV) It is known that plant hormones are organic substances, simple or complex, that act in very low concentrations, which stimulate, inhibit or modify, in some way, specific physiological processes that act at a distance or not from their place of synthesis. Associate the second column according to the first and mark the option that contains the correct sequence.
I - Auxin
II – Gibberellin
III – Abscisic acid
IV - Ethylene
V - Cytokinin
cell division and growth.
( ) fruit ripening.
( ) stimulation of seed germination.
( ) stem elongation and tropisms.
( ) inhibition of seed germination.
a) V, II, III, IV, I.
b) II, V, I, IV, III.
c) V, IV, II, I, III.
d) V, IV, III, I, II.
e) II, I, IV, V, III.
6) (UDESC) Fill in the gaps.
____________ are plant hormones related to the regulation of plant growth.
When stimulated, they initiate the synthesis of enzymes that promote the softening of the cell wall, providing plant movements such as ____________. Artificially, it is possible to produce ____________ by applying indolylacetic acid directly to the ovaries to obtain seedless grapes, watermelons and tomatoes.
Choose the alternative that completes the gaps in the text correctly.
a) Auxins, hydrotropism, simple fruits berry.
b) Auxins, geotropism, parthenocarpic fruits.
c) Ethylenes, thigmotropism, simple drupe fruits.
d) Gibberellins, geotropism, aggregated fruits.
e) Ethylenes, hydrotropism, parthenocarpic fruits.
7) Mark the alternative that correctly indicates the name of the plant hormone that is found in the form of gas and acts by stimulating fruit maturation:
a) auxin.
b) cytokinin.
c) abscisic acid.
d) gibberellin.
i) ethylene.
8) (UFJF) Malt, one of the most important components in the manufacture of beer, is produced during the germination process of barley seeds. Which plant hormone can directly interfere with the yield of the malt production process?
a) Auxina.
b) Cytokinin.
c) Gibberellin.
d) Ethylene.
i) Abscisic acid.
9) Plant hormones influence the most varied activities of a plant, from seed germination to fruit maturation. Among the hormones mentioned below, mark the alternative that correctly indicates the name of the hormone that stimulates the action of the vascular cambium.
a) Cytokinin.
b) Auxin.
c) Ethylene.
d) Abscisic acid.
i) Gibberellin.
10) (UCS) Vegetables constitute the planet's food base. The development and growth of plants are regulated by phytohormones or plant hormones (from the Greek horman, put in motion). Although the definition is this, there is a hormone that can inhibit plant growth, especially in the winter, and also be responsible for controlling the opening of stomata in droughts, in addition to causing the dormancy of seeds. Mark the alternative that presents the hormone characterized above.
a) Auxina.
b) Ethylene.
c) Cytokinin.
d) Gibberellin.
i) Abscisic acid.
1 and
2 – and
3 - 01, 02, 04 and 16
4 – and
5 – c
6 – b
7 – and
8 – c
9 – b
10 – and
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